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The first two gif’s are of interest to me because they show that an effective gif does not need to be technically complex. The ball game looks all “hand” drawn, I don’t think a template was used. It is mostly black and white, and composed of only a few lines. One of its core components is speed of motion, something we can all think about as an aesthetic/artistic decision when setting the speed of change for every frame.

The gif of the baby does work with a template – a black and white photo. But this photo remains still and unchanged, it is only a drawn-on black tongue which animates the image. Once again, a very simple animation that shows how a small addition can suffice.

The third gif is more complex than the first two. It uses repetition, superimposition, color and rhythm to create its own aesthetic, very much in line with that of computers, I feel. While the first gif could be drawn on a piece of paper, the second could be a scribble on an old photograph, this one I struggle to imagine outside of the digital realm.

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